There are a few different ways to determine weather a lobster is a Male or Female, one is the swimmerets that help a lobster swim and are also where a female lobster stores her eggs. Swimmerets can help find the sex of a lobster. The pair of swimmerets closest to the head, are soft on a female, but hard on a male.

How old is Lobster in store compared to how old some get in wild?
Research has found that Lobsters can live to be more than 100 years old. It is very hard too tell the exact age of a Lobster though most Lobsters live to about 50 years old. Commercial Lobsters you buy from a fish market or grocery store are somewhere around 8 years old but it is hard to the age.

How do Lobsters reproduce?
Male lobsters will deposit sperm on the bottom of the female. The female later uses the sperm to fertilize her eggs as they are laid. The female can store the sperm for several months while waiting for July and August which is usually when the eggs are laid. Females breed every two years, the number of eggs is related to the size of the female, and is typically about 5,000 eggs for a 10 in.
What is the Lobsters diet?
The lobster is consider a scavenger, and will really eat anything on the ocean floor. Lobsters like fresh food, Its diet typically consists of crabs, clams, mussels, worms, and sea urchin's or flounder. A lobster may eat up to 100 different kinds of animals, and occasionally eats some plants as well. If a lobster has the chance it will eat another lobster.

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